This tutorial is for those that have a working knowledge of PSP. This tutorial was written by me on the 16th day of August 2010 and any resemblance is purely coincidental. I used PSP 9, but any version should work. I do not allow my tutorials to be translated and please do not claim them as your own. If you would like to share the tutorial please send a link to my blog.
The materials you will need:
• Scrap kit: I used A Taggers Scrap Asian Dreams Kit which you can find here
• Tube of choice: I am using the work of the talented Jennifer Janesko You must have a license to use her work and you can get one from CILM
• Mask of choice: I used WSL_Mask253 which you can find here
Lets Begin:
1. Open a new image 600 x 600 transparent
2. Open frame4.png
3. Resize by 70% and paste as a new layer on our working image
4. Click inside the frame with your magic wand
5. Selections- Modify- Expand by 5
6. Open paper of choice ( or frayedfabric.png)
7. Paste as a new layer on our working image
8. Selections- Invert
9. Hit delete on your keyboard
10. Move this layer below our frame
11. Highlight the frame layer and add a drop shadow
12. I use the following drop shadow
13. (0, 0, 100, 4, Black)
14. Paste your tube as a new layer and place to your liking
15. Open Poppy1
16. Resize by 50%
17. Paste as a new layer and move below your tube layer but sticking out to the right of it.
18. Add your drop shadow
19. Open Poppy 2
20. Resize by 50%
21. Paste as a new layer placing to the right again, but this time rotate to the right ( Look at my tag as a reference)
22. Add your drop shadow
23. Open twigdeco.png
24. Resize by 50%
25. Paste as a new layer to the right with our poppy flowers placing to your liking
26. Open Ribbon one and paste as a new layer
27. Move this layer to the very top and resize by 85%
28. Image- Mirror
29. Place to your liking and crop the excess ribbon off on the right side
30. Open tassel2 and resize by 50% paste to the bottom left with our bow cropping bits and pieces of the loop
31. To make them look like they are connected
32. Repeat with tassel4
33. Open Flower2 and resize by 30% paste in the center of our bow
34. Add your drop shadow
35. Merge Visible
36. Duplicate layer
37. Highlight the top layer
38. Adjust- Blur- Gaussian Blur with a radius of 3
39. Change the top layer opacity to hard light and bring down to 62%
40. Add any additional elements at this time
41. Merge visible again
42. Open deco.png
43. Resize by 90 %
44. Paste as a new layer and move below our tag
45. Open Paper 11 and paste as a new layer
46. Move this to the bottom
47. Apply mask and merge group
48. Merge visible again
49. Resize your image at this time
50. Add your copyrights and Text
Thank you for trying my tutorial….. I hope you like your results!!!
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